Present a paper

Submission Guidelines

Interested paper presenters should submit a 350-word abstract, articulating the study’s significance, methods used, theoretical and conceptual frameworks, and discussion of findings. Panel proposals are also welcome, and should include a 100-word description/rationale of the proposed panel, as well as the abstracts of the individual papers included in the panel.

All submissions must be in Word (.doc) format, and should include the name/s of the proponent/s (surname underlined), a short biography, the institution/s represented, email address/es, and the phone/mobile numbers of corresponding author/s.

The deadline for submission abstracts and panel proposals is extended to 4 May 2014 (11 PM, Philippine Standard Time). Notification of acceptance will be sent by the second week of May 2014.

Please send all the needed information, as well as other inquiries and concerns, to both addresses:

  • Inez Ponce de Leon, Ph.D. (
  • Jaime Manuel Flores, M.A. (

Travel and Conference Subsidy

Participants are encouraged to seek funds for travel and conference participation from their home institutions.

Important dates

4 May 2014                          Deadline of abstracts and panel proposals
16 May 2014                        Notification of acceptance
30 June 2014                       Last day of early bird registration
3 July 2014                           Release of final conference program
15 July 2014                         Last day of regular registration

24-25 July 2014                   Conference dates

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